Upcoming PTO Events
Feb. 6: Teacher Appreciation Meal Sponsored by 2nd Grade Families
Feb. 20: Science Night at 6pm
Feb. 25: PTO Meeting at 7pm on Google Meet
Please have a look around the site to get information about who the Ben Franklin PTO is, what it does, and how you can get involved to make this the best school year ever!!
Check out the list of events the PTO has planned for the students, families, and faculty this school year.

2024-2025 Calendar of PTO Events
Fun is in the works for the school year! Continue to check back for updates!
Aug. 27: Popsicles on the Playground
Sep. 4: Chalk the Walk @ 6pm
Sep. 5: 1st Day of School
Sep. 16: PTO Meeting at 7pm & Coin Wars begin
Sep. 20: Dine to Donate – Chuck E. Cheese
Sep. 25: Ice Cream Social @ 6pm
Oct. 4: Coin Wars ends
Oct. 6: Fall Fest at 1pm
Oct. 9: Dine to Donate – Candelas
Oct. 14: Warm Clothing Drive begins
Oct. 21: PTO Meeting at 7pm on Google Meet
Oct. 26: Trunk or Treat at 6:30pm
Nov. 6: Dine to Donate – Shake Shack
Nov. 18: PTO Meeting at 7:15pm on Google Meet
Nov. 19 – 23: Fall Book Fair
Nov. 21: Teacher Appreciation Lunch Sponsored by 3rd Grade Families
Nov. 23: Turkey Trot Fun Run at 10am
Dec. 7: Kids Night Out at 5:30pm
Dec. 12 – 13: Holiday Shop
Dec. 16: PTO Meeting at 7pm on Google Meet
Dec. 19: Dine to Donate – Jersey Mike’s
Jan. 13: Warm Clothing Drive ends
Jan. 17: Ben Franklin’s Birthday
Jan. 27: PTO Meeting at 7pm on Google Meet
Jan. 31: Family Movie Night at 6pm
Feb. 6: Teacher Appreciation Meal Sponsored by 2nd Grade Families
Feb. 20: Science Night at 6pm
Feb. 25: PTO Meeting at 7pm on Google Meet
Mar. 7: Book Exchange
Mar. 12: Multicultural Night at 6pm
Mar. 24: PTO Meeting at 7pm on Google Meet
Mar. 26: Teacher Appreciation Meal Sponsored by 1st Grade Families
Apr. 9 – 11: Spring Book Fair
Apr. 10: Teacher Appreciation Meal Sponsored by K and Pre-K Families
Apr. 28: Teacher Appreciation Week begins & PTO Meeting at 7pm on Google Meet
May 2: Teacher Appreciation Week Ends
May 5 – 11: Screen Free Week
May 18: Carnival at 1pm
May 19: PTO Meeting at 7pm
Jun. 18: 3rd Grade Party
Jun. 19: Trenton Thunder Game
Jun. 23: Chalk the Walk at 6pm
Jun. 24: Last Day of School
*Click here for the 2024-2025 School District Calendar*