There are several programs that enable you to earn money for the school through qualifying purchases you make. You do not pay any money to the PTO out of your pocket, instead money is raised for the PTO through participation in the programs. Please consider signing up for these no-cost fundraisers to help earn money for the Ben Franklin PTO-it will NOT cost you anything! The PTO needs your help to make this the best year ever!
ShopRite For My School
Every ShopRite purchase you make could earn cash for our school. Simply register your Price Plus® club card at ShopRite For My School, select “Benjamin Franklin Elementary” to support, and you’re done! Every time you use your Price Plus® card at checkout, earnings are automatically credited to our school from participating products you purchase.
A+ School Rewards at Stop & Shop
Stop & Shop purchases can also earn cash for our school. With the A+ School Rewards program, every purchase earns points that are used in a calculation to determine our school’s cash total payment from Stop & Shop. All you need to do is register your Stop & Shop card at A+ School Rewards and in the “Rewards and Savings” section on the website, either enter our School ID Code “41138” or select “Benjamin Franklin Elementary” and that’s it! Points earned from your orders will automatically be credited toward our school’s final cash earnings.
Box Tops for Education
Just clip those Box Tops labels off participating products, send them back to school in your child’s backpack, or attached to a collection sheet the PTO periodically sends home, or deposit them in the Box Tops Box at the main office and Ben Franklin PTO will receive money! The Box Tops program is becoming digital and now has an app to make earning even easier. Download, sign up, enter our zip code, choose “Benjamin Franklin Elementary” and just scan your receipts! Turn your everyday receipts into cash for our school! It’s that easy and so very appreciated!
Coca-Cola Give
Coca-Cola Give donates a portion of every qualifying purchase to the Ben Franklin PTO. To take advantage of this program, visit the website, sign up, enter our zip code and choose “Benjamin Franklin.” Then, just enter the code for qualifying products you have already purchased to start donating!
iGive is a fundraising website where, based on your online purchases, they share a percentage of sales with a cause of your choice. They offer hundreds of retailers, including chewy.com, walmart.com, and Old Navy/Gap. To support our school, visit the website, enroll and choose “Ben Franklin Elementary PTO” as your cause.
Company Donations
*Thank you to Let’s Roam for donating a prize pack to our Carnival!