Interested in helping the PTO with school events or classroom activities? There are many ways you can get involved, make some friends, and help the school!
Get involved in PTO events Throughout the year, the PTO organizes events to raise money for the school. Generally, there are around 25-30 events thrown each year by the PTO. Parents, guardians, teachers, and even the principal volunteer their time to help make them a success. To help, you can choose to (1) chair an event and take the lead on the organization and execution of the event, (2) join the committee for an event to help the chair run the event, (3) volunteer on the day of the event, or (4) attend the event! For a PTO event to be successful, it needs to be planned well and it needs people to attend. Both aspects are so important and so necessary! To learn more about each event committee, please go to Committee Descriptions.
Get involved in your child’s classroom At the beginning of the school year, parents/guardians can volunteer to be a Homeroom Coordinator or Homeroom Helper for their child’s classroom for the year. A Homeroom Coordinator is in charge of organizing classroom parties or other activities requested by the teacher, and collecting items or monetary donations from the fellow parents/guardians to be used for parties and miscellaneous classroom needs. A Homeroom Helper helps the Homeroom Coordinator throw any parties or activities in the classroom, and may be invited into the classroom to help out on the day of the event. To learn more, please go to Homeroom Coordinator or Homeroom Helper.
Attend PTO meetings During the evening once a month or so, the PTO Board holds a meeting. This is a great chance to come share your ideas, meet fellow parents or guardians, and learn more about different PTO events coming up and other updates at the school. Families are welcome to bring their children along.
Stay informed The Ben Franklin PTO Corresponding Secretary, Nicole Bottrel, sends weekly email newsletters to all Ben Franklin families highlighting the happenings at Ben Franklin for the upcoming week. The Ben Franklin PTO Recording Secretary, Ilana Hernandez, posts throughout the year on social media and the website, and uploads PTO meeting minutes to the website. To stay connected and know what fun things are coming up, please check your email, visit the website, and follow us on Facebook and/or Twitter.
Use Company Sponsored Donation Programs You can help support the school just by shopping! Ben Franklin PTO has partnered with ShopRite For My School, A+ School Rewards at Stop & Shop, Box Tops for Education, Coca-Cola Give, and iGive to enable anyone to help support the PTO without having to donate any of their own money to do so. Instead, a percentage of qualifying purchases made gets donated to the PTO by the specific company. To learn more about each program, please visit Donate.